Publishers of the popular cookbook:
100% Vegetarian, eating naturally from your
grocery store
Order your copy online today by clicking on the
cookbook's image.
We offer other books and material, including
research papers of interest on theological and scientific topics.
Surf around. More will be posted at this site as time goes
Shipping internationally is no problem, though not as inexpensive as it used to be.
 Julianne Pickle has authored a simplification of Dan Gabbert's excellent Biblical Response Therapy, entitled Hope for the Heart, Christ's Response for Me.
For those who have appreciated the
of Jeremiah Films' video
posted on this site, the material, revised and
edited, is available in book
form for just $9.95. Quantity discounts are
automatically calculated on quantities of 5, 10, and 30.
An interesting paper is posted in our
Papers section entitled, "When
Were the Sabbatical Years?" It shows how
historical documents tell us when the sabbatical years were, and
how this has a bearing on Daniel 9's 70 weeks.