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81. "Adventists Kept Asking Questions" - Accusations or points raised ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... Messenger was E. R. Seaman. This is what he had to say less than one ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-168.htm - 18k
82. Pope Paul IV: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... got through to the King informing him what manner of man d'Este really was, ... any further defections. Meanwhile Burgos had rallied what remained of his party in the Hall ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-paul-iv.htm - 28k
83. "Lawsuit Over Sketches from the Life of Paul" - Accusations or points ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... was included in Sketches. Direct quotations of words, phrases, and clauses, along with close paraphrases, ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-103.htm - 18k
84. Pope Pius VIII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... were a compact solid phalanx knowing exactly what they wanted and why they wanted it. ... deep to be expressed in [p. 312] words or whether his mind was a complete ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-pius-viii.htm - 22k
85. "Seal of God and Who Would Be Saved" - Accusations or points raised ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... enough about Adventist beliefs to rightly understand what this means. To put it simply, Adventists ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-175.htm - 19k
86. "No Legitimate Christian Denomination" - Accusations or points raised ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... with the conditions and who has not. What those conditions are is dealt with under ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-66.htm - 20k
87. "Pressure Tactics" - Accusations or points raised against Adventism ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... reproofs... because the Lord has given me words of reproof... for the church.' The Remnant ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-199.htm - 29k
88. "Shut Door of Mercy" - Accusations or points raised against Adventism ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... This position was soon abandoned." - Ellen White, Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 271. When ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-48.htm - 19k
89. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #21-#80
... Jeremiah Films Video: Seventh-day Adventism - The Spirit Behind the Church Points #21-#80 by ... 21: "Because she claimed to have the spirit of prophecy, she came to be the ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-2.htm - 174k
90. "Shaky Visions" - Accusations or points raised against Adventism and/or ...
... to the Video : Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle Answers ... ten-foot pole, and understandably so, is what would happen during her visions. There was ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-112.htm - 20k

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