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41. Pope Leo XI: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... that the Grand Duke and his French allies were the chief culprits in sapping his authority, gathered round him his few faithful adherents and offered his services to his opponents. Avila ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-leo-xi.htm - 22k
42. Pope Paul III: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... worse if left to its own devices. Besides, he had now assumed a semi-spiritual authority himself and affected an attitude of patronising contempt for the Vicar [p. 72] of Christ. ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-paul-iii.htm - 23k
43. The French Revolution in Prophecy
... quoted, and a number more which might be given with equal propriety, predicted, on the authority of the Bible, a grand and very important revolution in France, a change of ecclesiastical ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/french-revolution.htm - 27k
44. Pope Gregory XV: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... native populations; but at the moment it [p. 152] looked as though the Pope's authority would soon encircle the globe. Gregory showed his appreciation of the Jesuits' services by canonising ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-gregory-xv.htm - 23k
45. Pope Leo XII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... had so far enjoyed the benefits without hindrance or supervision, or for having shackled their authority at every turn as he had done. The system of progressive evolution which he had ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-leo-xii.htm - 23k
46. Pope Pius III: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... the situation in hand. He considered that the circumstances called for a postponement of personal authority, in fact for a disguised interregnum. As luck would have it, the very man to ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-pius-iii.htm - 25k
47. Pope Pius V: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... favour of the Medici and concluding with this surprising argument: In virtue of the supreme authority with which we are invested and which gives us the right to distribute titles to ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-pius-v.htm - 25k
48. Pope Sixtus V: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... if by magic into a ferocious wolf. Sixtus V wasted no time in asserting his authority. Instead of the customary garlands and bunting which adorned the city for every new Pope' ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-sixtus-v.htm - 25k
49. Pope Pius VI: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... 5th. The Powers had again delegated full authority to Cardinal de Bernis; no political factions ... Pope's decree and thus challenging his authority. Most of the Roman prelates had kept ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-pius-vi.htm - 44k
50. Pope Julius III: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... but the fact of his being himself a candidate robbed him of most of his authority over his followers, so that they were not really to be depended on. The French ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-julius-iii.htm - 26k

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