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21. Pope Alexander VIII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... Next > Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ... 1691. Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-alexander-viii.htm - 26k
22. Pope Clement VII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII ... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII & ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-clement-vii.htm - 28k
23. Pope Clement VIII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII ... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII & ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-clement-viii.htm - 28k
24. Pope Paul IV: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII ... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII & ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-paul-iv.htm - 28k
25. Pope Alexander VII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... Next > Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ... 1667. Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-alexander-vii.htm - 27k
26. Pope Adrian VI: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII ... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII & ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-adrian-vi.htm - 28k
27. Pope Leo X: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII ... IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII & ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-leo-x.htm - 30k
28. Pope Clement X: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election.
... Next > Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ... pauper. Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-clement-x.htm - 31k
29. Pope Innocent XII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... Next > Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ... enhanced. Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-innocent-xii.htm - 31k
30. Pope Innocent XI: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... Next > Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ... capital. Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-innocent-xi.htm - 35k

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