Pickle Publishing "In the Vault"
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A Response to the Video:
Seventh-day Adventism, the Spirit Behind the Church

by Bob Pickle

Answers to Questions Raised by:
Mark Martin, Sydney Cleveland
Dale Ratzlaff, The White Lie
. . . and

Discern Fact from Fiction

The Role of Mrs. White and Her Writings

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#27 & #28: "They have, however, made her more embarrassing writings unavailable, locking them securely away in the White Estate vault."—David Snyder.

#27: They're unavailable, locked away in the vault. The vault protects her writings against theft, vandalism, and fire, but all her writings are available and are not "locked away," unless, of course, it is after hours.

All her published writings have been available on CD-ROM for a decade. There is an ongoing project of putting all her unpublished writings on CD-ROM as well. Until this project is completed, those interested in reading her unpublished writings can find them at the White Estate's main office in Silver Spring, Maryland; three branch offices located at Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Oakwood College; or one of eleven Research Centers operated throughout the world.

The documentation package lists "The White Estate Vault" as "Point 14." However, turning to "Point 14," we find but two selections that provide no evidence for the accusation. In fact, the two selections do not even once contain the word "vault." [p. 31]

#28: Her more embarrassing writings are the ones unavailable. More embarrassing? What makes them more embarrassing?

Sometimes Mrs. White was shown personal matters in vision which she was called upon to rebuke, like adultery, for example. Often these matters were not common knowledge then or now. It would be "embarrassing" to the family members of the persons involved if such communications were free to circulate around with the names of the offenders attached.

Out of Christian courtesy these writings were not published, or if they were, the names of the offenders were most often omitted. The original documents and letters were kept in the vault for safekeeping.

Enough time has passed so that the possibility of embarrassing someone no longer exists, for the offenders have all died, and there are typically a few generations between them and now. Therefore, the White Estate is working on putting every last thing on CD-ROM.

A Response to the Video

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