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21. Table of Accusations Covered in of "A Response to the Video," Whether ...
... It requires perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments. Especially the Fourth Commandment. It is diametrically ... the law. Christians will keep God's commandments out of love. Being under the law ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/response-to-video-table-of-accusations.htm - 39k
22. Sunday Fraud: Church "Fathers" on the Lord's Day
... the substance of most of the Ten Commandments, and it is implied that they observed ... he admits that Christians kept the 10 Commandments, Lee assumes that they were cowards when ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sunday-fraud.htm - 54k
23. Making Moslems Mad: Is "Left Behind" to Blame?
... the week, and Seventh-day Adventists repeatedly drove the point home. Of all the 10 Commandments, this was the only one having to do with "time." And, though the Papacy had ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/current-events/left-behind-islam-moslems.htm - 21k
24. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #131-#180
... they are released from obeying God's commandments. The idea that the Christian is released ... therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-4.htm - 187k
25. The Word "Church" in the Old Testament - A Complete List
... have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which should ... God, keep and seek for all the commandments of the LORD your God: that ye ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/church-in-old-testament-2.htm - 75k
26. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #181-#239
... grow in grace and keep God's commandments out of a love for Him. . . . #182: ... grow in grace and keep God's commandments out of a love for Him. . . . "Seal ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-5.htm - 186k
27. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Intro, Indexes, Points ...
... doctrine requires perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments. But the New Testament plainly says that ... are totally incapable of obeying God's commandments until you have come to Christ. Ellen ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-1.htm - 209k
28. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #21-#80
... I have broken so many of his commandments! Have I reflected his glorious image to ... 27) Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-2.htm - 174k
29. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #81-#130
... made the verse sound like the Ten Commandments are the shadow, and that we don' ... In actuality, the Ten Commandments "had" a shadow, which shadow was the ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-3.htm - 167k
30. Immortality: Conditional or Innate?
... faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; and repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/immortality.htm - 85k

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