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51. An "Angel" Named Yahweh
... the cloud who led the Israelites in the wilderness is called the LORD, yet God makes it quite clear that the Being is His "Angel," and this "Angel" has His name. ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/angel-yahweh.htm - 35k
52. "Depart and Be with Christ"
... became a living soul." One text teaches how man was first formed. The other text makes known the process of his dissolution. What God did in creating, death undoes by dissolving. ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/depart-and-be-with-christ.htm - 36k
53. Pope Alexander VII: Proceedings of the Conclave that led to his election. ...
... That Alexander VII should have staged the farce of having his kinsmen imposed on him makes his unscrupulous nepotism far more odious than that of other less pharisaical popes. [p. 176] ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/triple-crown-alexander-vii.htm - 27k
54. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Intro, Indexes, Points ...
... more embarrassing writings are unavailable. Oversimplification. What makes them embarrassing is that sometimes she had ... Documentation Package's documentation for this point makes it clear that Adventists believe the Bible ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-1.htm - 209k
55. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #131-#180
... and ignore her explanation. The Documentation Package makes no attempt to substantiate this charge. "Must ... Martin is contradicted by the point he makes just two sentences and a quotation later. " ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-4.htm - 187k
56. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #181-#239
... of the children of Israel. This verse makes the end-time seal out to be ... vs. 15) The fact that Revelation 13 makes an allusion to this story implies that ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-5.htm - 186k
57. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #81-#130
... is an heretical teaching. I guess that makes Charles Spurgeon a heretic: Let the Lord ... doctrines similar to them anymore than it makes "many" of the doctrines of Baptists similar ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-3.htm - 167k
58. Critique of Jeremiah Films' Video on Adventism: Points #21-#80
... his words must be wrong, for Paul makes it crystal clear in 2 Thessalonians 2: ... support to the Union. So World Book makes it crystal clear that England was considering ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/jeremiah-films/video-2.htm - 174k

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