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41. When Were the Sabbatical Years?
... 9's Seventy Weeks and the Sabbatical Cycle When Were the Sabbatical Years? by Bob Pickle Introduction The Pledge of Nehemiah 10:31 Alexander's Grant of Tax Exemption Judah Maccabee' ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years.htm - 47k
42. Hope for the Heart: Christ’s Response for Me
... rsquo;s Response for Me by Julianne Pickle This book is a simplification of Dan ... you for the thunderstorms that roll. Julianne Pickle writes from her own personal journey. She ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/books/hope-for-the-heart.htm - 12k
43. A Biblical Basis for the Doctrine of the Investigative Judgment
... the Investigative Judgment A Biblical Basis for The Doctrine of the Investigative Judgment by Bob Pickle Seventh-day Adventists teach that phase one, the investigative phase, of the Judgment began in ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/investigative-judgment.htm - 40k
44. An "Angel" Named Yahweh
An "Angel" Named Yahweh The Scriptures Tell Us of An "Angel" Named Yahweh by Bob Pickle God the Father Has Never Been Seen Christ is the Chief "Messenger Christ and John ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/angel-yahweh.htm - 35k
45. A Response to the Video
A Response to the Video: Seventh-day Adventism - The Spirit Behind the Church by Bob Pickle This book is a response to a video put together by five former Adventist preachers, ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/books/response-to-video.htm - 16k
46. Table of Sabbatical Years
Weeks and the Sabbatical Cycle Table for "Which Years Were the Sabbatical Years?" by Bob Pickle For the main article, see "Which Years Were the Sabbatical Years?" In the following table, ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-table.htm - 95k
47. When Were the Sabbatical Years? (Additional Material)
s Seventy Weeks and the Sabbatical Cycle Which Years Were the Sabbatical Years? by Bob Pickle The Pledge of Nehemiah 10:31 Alexander's Grant of Tax Exemption Judah Maccabee's ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-more.htm - 106k
48. The Word "Church" in the Old Testament
in the Old Testament The Word "Church" in the Old Testament An Analysis by Bob Pickle Introduction Ekklesia Used As A Synonym for Sunagoge Ekklesia Used In Conjunction with Sunagogein Ekklesiazein ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/church-in-old-testament.htm - 22k
49. The Meaning of 666
The Meaning of 666 The Meaning of 666 by Bob Pickle Introduction One of Two Names in the Forehead Aaron Wore God's Name in His ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/666.htm - 26k
50. Who Are These Seven Kings?
These Seven Kings? "And There Are Seven Kings" Who Are These Seven Kings? by Bob Pickle Introduction When Are Five Fallen? Several Possibilities Ruled Out The Ten Kings The Seven Kings ...
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/prophecy/seven-heads.htm - 45k

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