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121. A Response to the Video
200+ replies to common, old quibbles of critics found in videos, books, and web sites. Shows how the truth is often opposite of the allegation. Great scholarship and solid history,
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122. Table of Sabbatical Years

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123. The Word "Church" in the Old Testament
Dispensationalists make a sharp distinction between the church and Israel, seemingly ignoring the fact that Israel is repeatedly called the church in the Old Testament. ... The Word "Church"
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125. Videos for Sale
Great videos offered for sale by Pickle Publishing. ... Videos for Sale Center of the Universe - The Great White Throne . $20.95. 28½ minutes, DVD in NTSC format,
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126. Featured Cookbooks Offered by Pickle Publishing
Cookbooks for sale by Pickle Publishing. Get any or all, but make sure you get our very own. ... Featured Cookbooks Offered by Pickle Publishing 100% Vegetarian, Eating Naturally
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129. The Karaites & 1844
Karaite Reckoning vs. Rabbanite Reckoning: Was October 22 the Right Date, or Was It September 23? ... The Karaites & 1844 Karaite Reckoning vs. Rabbanite Reckoning Was October 22 the
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130. Dr. Harold Hoehner's Refinements of Anderson's Theory: Are They Sound?
The chronological difficulties of his theory about the 70 weeks of Daniel 9. ... Dr. Harold Hoehner's Refinements of Anderson's Theory: Are They Sound? An Examination of
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