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101. A Biblical Basis for the Doctrine of the Investigative Judgment
Can the doctrine of the investigative judgment, taught by Seventh-day Adventists, be supported by the Scriptures? Based on the 32 points found in this paper, the answer must be,
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/investigative-judgment.htm - 40k
102. Charcoal for Sale
Take your pick from this assortment of charcoal products from Pickle Publishings. ... Charcoal for Sale Activated Charcoal Capsules (125 vegicaps) . $13.95. USP Activated charcoal capsules. 260 mg
www.pickle-publishing.com/charcoal/ - 19k
103. Hope for the Heart: Christ’s Response for Me
A simplification of Dab Gabbert's Biblical Response Therapy. ... Hope for the Heart: Christ’s Response for Me $14.95 In Stock Quantity: Hope for the Heart:
www.pickle-publishing.com/books/hope-for-the-heart.htm - 12k
104. Gift Certificates
Get a gift certificate from Pickle Publishing. ... Gift Certificates Give a Gift to a Friend or Loved One It's simple. Decide who you want to give the
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105. The Soul and Spirit: Greek and Hebrew Word Studies
The Greek and Hebrew Words for soul and spirit in the Bible are used in strange ways, ways that do not harmonize with popular concepts about death. ... The
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/soul-and-spirit.htm - 61k
106. An "Angel" Named Yahweh
An Angel named Yahweh repeatedly appears in the Old Testament, claiming to be God. How can this be? Was this Angel not an angel at all, but rather Christ Himself?<
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/angel-yahweh.htm - 35k
107. Books for Sale
Take your pick from this assortment of good reading material. ... Books for Sale 100% Vegetarian, Eating Naturally from Your Grocery Store by Julianne Pickle. $7.95. Every ingredient
www.pickle-publishing.com/books/ - 31k
108. Table of Sabbatical Years

www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-table.htm - 95k
109. When Were the Sabbatical Years? (Additional Material)
Zuckermann vs. Wacholder: This page contains additional material establishing Zuckermann's sabbatical dates. ... When Were the Sabbatical Years? (Additional Material) Daniel 9's Seventy Weeks and the Sabbatical
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabbatical-years-more.htm - 106k
110. The Word "Church" in the Old Testament
Dispensationalists make a sharp distinction between the church and Israel, seemingly ignoring the fact that Israel is repeatedly called the church in the Old Testament. ... The Word "Church"
www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/church-in-old-testament.htm - 22k

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